I became a volunteer because I thought it will bring me great work experience and somehow it led me to some of the best memories I have in Sydney.
Radith Wadjaja

I became a volunteer because I thought it will bring me great work experience and somehow it led me to some of the best memories I have in Sydney.
From joining Conversation Club to going on planned weekend trips to the Whitsundays and Blue Mountains, I was able to meet many new friends and make remarkable memories as we were all able to relate to each other due to being an international student and this fostered a sense of camaraderie.
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If the provider is 'UNSW Global Pty Limited [01020K] (trading as: UNSW College)' your Diploma is under UNSW College Policy.
If the provider is 'The University of New South Wales (UNSW) [00098G] (trading as: UNSW Australia)' your Diploma is under UNSW Policy.