7 January 2025

Ringing in the new year means motivation to the max!

It’s the start of January, and I’m feeling determined to achieve my New Year’s resolutions.

One of the resolutions I’ve set for myself is to cook more. In the past few months, I got so much takeaway and eating out with friends and I know it’s not that good for my body and for my wallet. But when I’m busy with homework and exams, it’s hard to find time to be in the kitchen. However, I don’t think that’s a very good excuse because a healthy body is very important. Therefore, I’m going to cook more and bring lunch to uni instead of buying it. It will be good to save money and also get healthier.

Another resolution is to go for more mental health walks. Sydney has such beautiful scenery and now that it’s summer it is the perfect time to walk around. I’ve noticed that when I’m feeling stressed a short walk help me reset my brain.

Lastly, I want to limit my screen time. My eyesight is already not that good but still I look at my phone and laptop all day. I don’t want to make my eyes worse (like my parents) so I will use less technology and continue to read more books. I really like to read fiction and manga.

These are some small goals, but I think that at the end of the year my routine and health will increase a lot because of it.

Thank you to our Diploma student, who has requested to remain anonymous while sharing their story.

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