Compass to Calm: Navigating Mental Wellness

Join us as we navigate mental health and wellbeing topics in Stress Less Week! Come join us at UNSW Roundhouse for an expert panel discussion and workshops on mental health topics, with lunch included. We aim to: enhance your academic and personal well-being, boost your mental health awareness, explore actionable strategies to help you excel and thrive, learn about mental health in industry, ls on how to take this advice into industry, as well as the existing support services available at UNSW.

🎤 Panel Discussion

🛠️ Workshops

🍕 Lunch on Us

🤝 Open-Floor Networking


Our professionals and student leaders will be discussing topics including:

⚖️ Balanced lifestyle / work-life balance

🎓 University contributions (food hub, collectives)

📚 Managing exam stress and building resilience

🧑‍🎓 Managing mental health at uni

🧠 Postgraduate mental health and welfare

🏢 Industry mental health and support systems

🗣️ Approaching mental health conversations

💡 Stress-management techniques

♿ Disability experience and carer burnout

📈 SRC perspective on student cost of living stress and other student welfare issues


Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from our mental health experts to unlock your full potential!


📋 Runsheet:

10.45am: Welcomes & Registrations

11am: Panel Discussion

12.30pm: Lunch

1pm: Workshops

2pm: Open-floor networking

This collaboration is brought to you by the UNSW Psychology Society, and UNSW’s SRC Welfare Collective.

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