Your password must be at least 8 characters in length – and no more than 16 characters in length (i.e. 8-16 characters long).
It must contain 3 or 4 of these 4 types of characters:
- upper case letter (eg: ABCD)
- lower case letter (eg: efgh)
- a number (eg: 123)
- a symbol (eg: $ % # *)
It must NOT contain:
- your name (neither your first name nor your last name)
- your G-ID or Z-ID number
- your date of birth
It must NOT be one of your last 12 passwords (if you are resetting/ changing your password)
The following are some examples only (do NOT use these!). They are only here to help you understand the above password rules.
Examples of correct passwords. DO NOT USE THESE EXAMPLES
Yesterday1 (not a good password, but it does meet the rules)
QwertyA1 (not great, but does meet the rules)
Qwerty$$ (not great, but does meet the rules)
QWerT1#& (this is OK)
Qwerty5023! (this is OK too)
Qd4tp*Ts (good – but might be hard to remember!)
Examples of incorrect passwords
12345678 (only 1 type – numbers)
password (only 1 type – lower case)
Password (only 2 types – lower and upper case)
Qwert1@ (only 7 characters long!)
Qw1 (only 3 characters long!)
John1234 (if your name is John!)
Light$@! (if your family name is “ Li ” because
that is part of the word ” Li ght”!)
Examples of incorrect passwords