Every year on February 4th, we come together to celebrate the World Cancer Day. It marks the day where stories of strength, resilience, and love are honoured while raising awareness of cancer and promote its prevention, detection, and treatment. This year’s theme, “United by Unique”, highlights how every experience with cancer is unique and it will take all of us, united, to create a world where we look beyond the disease and see the person before the patient. As a student, our everyday habits can unknowingly increase cancer risks, whether it is spending long hours in the sun playing sports, smoking or vaping with friends, or making other choices without considering their long-term impact on our health. By staying informed and supporting each other, we can raise awareness about cancer risks together.

What is cancer?

Cancer is a large group of diseases that start when cells grow out of control and spread to other parts of the body. It can start in almost any body part because there are more than 100 types of cancer. In 2023, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has estimated that 1,201 adolescents and young adults in Australia are diagnosed with cancer each year. As the second most common cause of death worldwide, there are many ways we can prevent cancer since young.

How can we reduce our risk?

While we cannot control some of the risk factors, many healthier lifestyle choices can help reduce the chances of developing cancer. As students, we should be aware of two of the most relevant types of cancer and how we can protect ourselves:

Lung Cancer

According to World Health Organisation (WHO), smoking is the main cause of lung cancer, responsible for nearly 85% of all cases. You may also be at a higher risk of developing lung cancer yourself if you have a family history of lung cancer. You should start taking prevention measures early on because lung cancer is often diagnosed late, as you may not notice any symptoms until it has spread.

      Here are ways you can prevent it:

      • Do not start smoking, or, quit if you smoke. There is no safe amount of vaping and smoking. The best thing you can do is quit.
      • Encourage a smoke-free environment. Second-hand smoke from friends or classmates can also increase your risk.
      • Educate yourself on the health risks. The My QuitBuddy App can provide you all the facts you need to understand how smoking and vaping can impact your health.

      Read this THRIVE article to get more tips on building your ideal smoke-free life!

      Skin Cancer

      Australia has one of the world’s highest rates of skin cancer, mostly caused by high exposure to UV radiation in sunlight. Many people underestimate the dangers of sun exposure, especially when spending long hours outdoors like playing at the beach, picnicking in the park, or having a barbeque.
      Sun exposure that doesn’t result in burning can still cause damage to skin cells and increase your risk of developing skin cancer. You can learn more about how to protect your skin through Cancer Council’s five SunSmart steps.

        These are ways you can protect yourself:

        • Apply sunscreen every day, even on cloudy days. Be sure to select products with a SPF (sun protection factor) of 30+.
        • Wear dark-coloured clothes, made of synthetic fabrics that have a close weave or are knitted.
        • Wear wide-brimmed hat to protect your whole face and head from sun exposure.
        • Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes and the tender skin around your eyes from UV rays.

        Cancer may be a complex disease, but taking simple steps now can reduce your risk in the future. As students, we hold the power to make simple yet powerful actions decisions that protect our health and the well-being of those around us.

        Support services


        Kids Helpline (1825 years)

        Beyond Blue