Welcome to your next THRIVE article! This fortnight, we are talking all things gratitude. Gratitude is an appreciation for the good things that happen in our lives such as people, events, the things we love about ourselves, personal achievements or growth, good health or even random acts of kindness! Can you name 3 things you’re grateful for right now? I’ll go first. I am grateful for;
- the workshop I attended today and what I learnt,
- my support network for always checking in on me, and
- the lady who held the lift open for me when I was carrying parcels from my letterbox
How did you go? Could you name 3 things?

“When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in.”
– Kristin Armstrong
It can sometimes be hard to remember to be grateful for the good times, especially if you are going through stressful or tough periods. If you can learn to practice gratitude, it will help you feel more grounded when you go through those harder periods in life. It also takes practice to be able to recognise things you are grateful, and remember, it is totally okay if you are grateful for something that seems ‘small’.
By practicing gratitude, you will find that it will:
- boost your mood
- support your mental health
- strengthen relationships
- relieve stress
- improve your personal resilience
- encourage generosity and compassion

Practicing gratitude doesn’t have to feel like a chore. You can be grateful for something simple like the fact you cooked lunches all week, or even for allowing yourself to rest and recuperate. We are all different, and are going to feel grateful for different things.
There are so many different ways you can practice gratitude. For this article, we will be looking at a gratitude journal, sharing your gratitude with others, and a gratitude jar.
Gratitude Journal
This is a simple method and there is also no wrong way of doing this. All that is required is writing down things you are thankful for each day into a notebook. It’s important you physically write this down rather than doing it in your head. There are also plenty of templates online you can use, such as this one from Calm. Aim to write down a set number of things you are grateful for each day. A good starting point is 3-5 depending on how easy you find this activity.
Share Your Gratitude With Others
By vocalising your gratitude with those around you, you might just make someone’s day with a simple ‘thank you’. It will also help to strengthen your relationships, and you will most likely encourage others to share their gratitude too, further spreading the happiness!
Gratitude Jar
This is my all time favourite! Repurpose a jar, or buy a cheap one from the dollar shop and decorate it however you like. You will also need some small pieces of paper to write on. Personally, I love to use sticky notes so that I can have a colourful array of paper in my jar. This is similar to your gratitude diary, in that you will write one thing you are grateful for per piece of paper and then fold and put it into the jar for later. Whenever you are having a hard day, take a piece of paper from the jar as a reminder of everything around you that is fabulous!
Another version of this, is you could do this activity with your housemates, family or partner. And you each write something you’re thankful of for each other and put it in each other’s jars. This way, when you need a pick-me-up, you will be reading reminders from someone you care about and the things they appreciate most about you!

Staff Profile

Name: Vivian
Role: Communications Officer
What are about 5 things you were grateful for this past week?
- My health! It’s very important to take care of your body especially during transition months like March.
- The kitchen at home because I love to cook (and eat).
- The gentleman who already walked through the door but did a U-turn and opened it for me when I was carrying a ladder.
- My Pilates instructor who always greets me with a smile and provides amazing encouragement during class.
- The fact that I’m living in beautiful Sydney!
Shout out someone from the UNSW College Community you are grateful for, and why?
I’d like to give a shout out to my manager Miracle Chen! She’s been 100% behind me providing so much support and encouragement since the day I started at UNSW College. I’m able to speak my mind and pitch ideas with ease because she creates a safe and welcoming environment which I’m so grateful for.
Featured Events
THRIVE Thursday
Date: Thursday 14 March
Time: 12pm – 1pm
Location: Courtyard/Common Room, Level 1, L5 Building, UNSW College
Fortnightly Program
THRIVE Thursday
Date: Thursday 21 March
Time: 12pm – 1pm
Location: Courtyard/Common Room, Level 1, L5 Building, UNSW College
Date: Thursday 21 March
Time: 1pm – 2pm
Location: Courtyard, Level 1, L5 Building, UNSW College
Taronga Zoo Excursion
Date: Saturday 23 March
Time: 9:30am – 3:15pm
Location: Taronga Zoo, Bradleys Head Rd, Mosman NSW 2088
Bike n’ Blend
Date: Thursday 28 March
Time: 12:30pm – 2:30pm
Location: Courtyard, Level 1, L5 Building, UNSW College