Welcome to our second installment of everything THRIVE! This fortnight, I am bringing you everything to do with manifestation and how it can actually help you with your goals.
What is manifestation?
It is all about bringing something into your life through attraction and belief (e.g. if you think it and believe it, then it will come). This still works when you are setting goals, because if you are setting a goal then you are most certainly thinking about it and putting it out there to be achieved.
Why manifest?
Manifestation is a form of positive self-belief, which in turn will improve your overall mindset. Manifesting helps you to visualise and re-inforce your goals and dreams, motivating you to continue taking action until you can tick it off as an achievement. “

“Our intention is everything. Nothing happens on this planet without it. Not one single thing has ever been accomplished without intention.”
– Jim Carrey
There are many ways you can manifest your goals. In this article, we will be focusing on vision boarding! It’s super fun and is a great tool for visualising all your dreams and aspirations.
Below are 5 tips for how to manifest your goals through a vision board:
P.S. THRIVE Thursdays today is making your own vision board so why not get started today?
1. Be clear about your goals
Set your intentions with an action plan. You can do this by using the SMART method. This is how you will make it your reality, especially by using language like “I am…” and “I will…”.
2. ASK for what you want
Visualise it and put it into the universe (such as through a vision board), then take action! Having a vision board will help motivate you to achieve your goals, especially because you are making it your reality by having it front and centre at home.
Act on achieving your goals by using the SMART method and including a checklist on your vision board. That way you can break it down into smaller goals that feel more achievable and you can see your progress as you tick off each milestone.
3. Put your vision board somewhere you can see it
Your vision board will not only be your motivation, but also your reminder of the goals you’ve set for yourself. It’s easier to feel motivated to achieve something if it is always front of mind.
4. Work towards your goal(s)
Focus on the positives
Worry, fear and doubt will only dilute your vibrations. You want to radiate out what you want, so be sure to focus on what is going well in relation to achieving your goals! For example, if you’re trying to save money then one positive may be that you didn’t buy a coffee today. It’s a very small thing, but it’s still something going towards helping you achieve your goal!
Trust the process
You have to be able to believe in yourself. If you start to question anything, just remind yourself you are closer to your goals than when you started!
5. Practice gratitude
Be mindful and thankful for what you receive, be flexible and humble. Sometimes things may not go as planned so this is why it is important to be flexible. You can only focus on what is within your control. It’s okay if things change, that’s what your vision board is there for; to remind you of your end goal, and the best thing about it is it’s not set in stone! You can change it around whenever you like!

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Student Profile

Name: Olivia
Role: Student Services Officer
What did you study at UNSW College?
Diploma of Business
What are you studying now?
3rd year of Commerce
How do you set your goals, and how do you turn them into reality??
Generally, as cheesy as it sounds, I use the SMART method. I start by clearly defining my objectives, making sure they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. Breaking down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks helps me stay focused.
Another important thing to note is prioritization. This way, I can focus on what’s most important first and then work my way down. I used to try to write things out in a physical planner, but I usually ended up not updating it as much as I would have liked since I don’t end up bringing it with me everywhere. I then switched to noting things down on my notes app and using google calendar which made a huge difference in my productivity. I didn’t need to remember as many things since its all written out which meant that my head was clearer to think and actually do work. Its important to find the medium you prefer because while this works for me, it won’t work for someone who needs to write things on paper.
Finally, it’s very important to be flexible and adaptive. Things will not always go your way, so I always remind myself that I need to be able to change my plan at any time without stressing too much about it.
Featured Events
THRIVE Thursday
Date: Thursday 1 February
Time: 12pm – 1pm
Location: Room LG15, Lower Ground Level, L5 Building, UNSW College
Fortnightly Program
THRIVE Thursdays
Date: Every Thursday!
Time: 12pm – 1pm
Location: Room LG15, Lower Ground Level, L5 Building, UNSW College
Games Afternoon
Date: Friday 2 February
Time: 12pm – 5pm
Location: Room 131, Level 1, L5 Building, UNSW College
World Cancer Day
Date: Monday 5 February
Time: 11am – 1pm
Location: Level 1 Courtyard, L5 Building, UNSW College
Safer Internet Day
Date: Tuesday 6 February
Time: 11am – 1pm
Location: Level 1 Courtyard, L5 Building, UNSW College
Lunar New Year Celebrations
Date: Thursday 8 February
Time: 4pm – 6pm
Location: Level 1 Courtyard, L5 Building, UNSW College