4 April 2024

Why is it important to remember? Our memory serves as a link that spans across time, enabling us to glean insights, evolve, and nurture enduring connections. We can use it to learn from past mistakes and experiences to shape an even better tomorrow and future.

It’s like holding up a mirror with the fifth edition of “In The Know”, aptly titled “The Remembrance Edition.” As autumn finally finishes its embrace around Sydney and brings us our favourite sleep-in and snuggle-up weather, now is the perfect time to make yourself a soothing drink and reflect on your journey thus far, contemplating how you can grow and evolve in the months ahead. This edition is designed to inspire introspection and self-improvement, offering insightful articles and practical tips to help you navigate life’s complexities with grace and resilience.

April is also the month where the country celebrates Anzac Day, a pivotal moment in Australian history. In honour of this, we delve into Anzac Day’s significance, what ANZAC stands for, why you see so many red flowers and the ways you can actively participate in the commemorations and pay tribute to the brave individuals who have served our country with courage and sacrifice.

As nature paints the landscape with vibrant hues of red, orange, and gold, we have included a feature on autumn foliage so you can witness the breathtaking beauty of the season (and snap some amazing pictures for Instagram!). Whether you’re seeking a serene retreat close to the city or planning a weekend getaway with friends, we’ve curated a list of picturesque locations where you feel like you’ve stepped into a painting.

This month’s issue is giving you the three Rs this month: remembrance, reflection, and rejuvenation.

This is your sign to start the enlightening journey of self-reflection – read it here!

Got a story you’re itching to tell?

Remembered a moment during your student days that will resonates with other students?

Want to brush up on your creative writing and comprehensive skills for your professional portfolio?

Feel like leaving your mark within the UNSW College community?

We want to hear from you!

Email the “In The Know” editor Vivian He at [email protected] and pitch your student experience story for a chance to get featured on the website and in our next issue.

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